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Growing in Christ Together

Where Faith & Love Changes Lives


You are not here by accident or coincidence. You’ve been seeking, anticipating, and praying for a spiritual home that resonates, and we trust that it’s through divine orchestration that you’ve been led this way. We believe that this is God’s method of unveiling His grand purpose and blueprint for your life.


If you want to feel loved, appreciated and welcomed, you’re in the right place .


We want to assure you that if you are in search of a church filled with God’s love, guided by a pastor with a profound passion and yearning to lead you towards Jesus and His abundant blessings, then you’ve indeed found the right place.



Get to know our heart a little more and what we believe.


Relationship, Not Religion

We believe that God has called us into an intimate relationship with Him rather than a religious set of rules and ideas. God’s word says He calls us friend (John 15:15), which means He desires to be close to each one of use regardless of our past. You are precious, loved and important  to Him!


Remember the Poor

We believe that all people are created in the image of God and it breaks God’s heart to see people in need of the basic necessities of life. As followers of Christ, we will make the effort to extend God’s love to ALL people by helping meet both spiritual and physical needs.

Get to Know Us     Meet the Pastor
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Find out more about salvation and how you can accept Christ into your life.
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